A Grand Celebration of Equality and Spirituality

The 9 Day Yajna Commences Ashtakshari Maha:mantra JapaEveryday devotees gather at 6:00am at Ya:gasa:la to sit together and meditate on the auspicious divine qualities of Lord Sriman Narayana, the relation with Him, and seek His grace for enabling them to serve Him. Dhwaja:ro:hanam, hoisting of Garuda pata, flagGaruda stands atop overseeing the celebrations and ensuring […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 3 2023

The 9 Day Yajna Commences Ashtakshari Maha:mantra JapaEveryday devotees gather at 6:00am at Ya:gasa:la to sit together and meditate on the auspicious divine qualities of Lord Sriman Narayana, the relation with Him, and seek His grace for enabling them to serve Him. Dhwaja:ro:hanam, hoisting of Garuda pata, flagGaruda stands atop overseeing the celebrations and ensuring […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 2 2023

Temple, a platform to learn… Our sages established temple institution as a platform to learn the divine aspects of life. These aspects include knowledge of God who is the source of all existence, knowledge of self, knowledge of nature, and ways to liberate oneself from karma and attain eternal blissful state. Bramho:tsavam, is an annual […]