Words of Wisdom Photos Videos Cultural Highlights Vistors Speak Visitor Experiences The 9 Day Yajna Commences Ashtakshari Maha:mantra Japa Everyday devotees gather at 6:00am at Ya:gasa:la to sit together and meditate on the auspicious divine qualities of Lord Sriman...
Temple architecture has great significance in India. Every element seen on the pillars and walls of the temples reflect external beauty driven by teachings from Vedic wisdom. Artisans of Quyang, Baoding, Hebei, China are equipped with exceptional sculpting skills and...
Mr. Kelvin, Our lighting consultant presented an updated concept incorporating all the suggestion from Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji during the first meeting. The updated concept was approved by the team Sri Ahobila Ramanuja Jeeyar Swami, Ramesh Mantha ji, and Prasad...
HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamij visited Statue of Equality site today to watch the progress of the project in person. His radiating walk, amazing intellect and unparalleled warmth inspired all the team at multi-fold. HH looked through the Conch and Discus that are being...
Adorning ourselves requires internal cleansing. Let us cleanse ourselves in the ultimate philosophy instated by Bhagavad Ramanuja. The philosophy that stood for Equality of everyone in the eyes of the Supreme power! The philosophy that gave us the true meaning of...