Samatha Kumbh Feb 26 2024

Samatha Kumbh Feb 26 2024

Dhyana ….is the devotion driven bhavana-based divine process where the doer attempts to worship Lord using a new clean and pure body obtained by the grace of Lord. The doer initiates this process in bhavana with ‘burning’ the current body filled with various vasanas,...
Samatha Kumbh Feb 25 2024

Samatha Kumbh Feb 25 2024

Yellow signifies a sacred Vow Pasupu, turmeric is a form of mother Lakshmi. Adorning pasupu on His divine wet body, the Lord makes a promise to protect us. What else do we need to trust in Him? Thirumanjana seva / abhisheka seva is prescribed in Pancharatra Agama...
Samatha Kumbh Feb 24 2024

Samatha Kumbh Feb 24 2024

One Goal 2 part-final round 2 audience rounds 3 languages 3 levels of pre-screening 4 winners 4 continents 6 question types 9 lakh worth prizes 10 practice questions daily 10+ improvement areas 15 volunteers 25 encouragement prizes 50 performers 116 finalists 3000+...
Samatha Kumbh Feb 23 2024

Samatha Kumbh Feb 23 2024

Fridays and femininityworshiping mother Lakshmi Thousands of women performed guided worship of mother MahaLakshmi on this friday, 23rd Feb during Samatha Kumbh 2024 at the Statue of Equality… pu:rnam idam pu:rnamadahapu:rna:th pu:rnamudachyathe:pu:rnasya...
Samatha Kumbh Feb 22 2024

Samatha Kumbh Feb 22 2024

Thirumanjana Seva / Abhisheka Sevafor Lord in 18 divine formssacred bath to the Lord gracing us in 18 divine forms Agama scriptures state that the Lord’s deity must be given a sacred bath using ingredients like milk, curd, ghee from butter, honey and fresh fruits...