Samatha Kumbh Feb 12 2023

The Four Sacred Remains Sacred remains are remains of offerings used in a:ra:dhana and se:va, worship and service of God in a temple. These are of four types… sa:m drustikas, that which are seen or felt by God like lighted lamp or incense stick sa:m sparsikas, that which touch the vigraha, deity form of God, […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 11 2023

Meditation… Close eyes? Sit in silence? Travel to the Himalayas? May God bless us with the power to see everything as His creation. When one attains this state, one need not close eyes to meditate on God. One need not expect silence to experience God. One need not travel anywhere to feel God’s presence. One […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 10 2023

Sa:dhana in simple terms sa:dhana is the practice of connecting everything you do with the eternally supreme and compassionate thaththva, God… What if one’s mind feels jealous of someone, or thinks of lying to someone or feels sleepy during sa:dhana? If you sincerely desire to rise above those and experience God, try to connect God […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 8 2023

Avadha:nam Super memory test When a child tunes his mind to work efficiently in one area, it can perform the same way in any area. Prajna students from India and USA took part in the super memory test in Bhagavad Gi:tha. It is the core and masterpiece of all knowledge. Any other subject will be […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 7 2023

A Magician and a Muni A magician noticed a ‘poor’ man and offered to teach him magic so he could make some money. Man: I don’t need to make moneyMagician: Is it? What do you want ?Man: I want God’s graceMagician: Humm, but anyone would want some money. You seem so ignorant.Man: (rubs off from […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 6 2023

Jagath, sathyam or mithya? Is the world real or an illusion? yadyad vibhu:thimath sathvam sri:madu:rjitham e:va va: |thath thade:va:vagachha thvam mama the:jo::msa sambhavam || Bhagavad Githa 10.11Everything you see in this world is part of My vibhu:thi, creation. What I created is like an ocean and all that you see are like droplets in it. So, the […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 5 2023

When in love… meditation needs no efforts When you are in love with someone, you feel constantly connected and devoted to them. You feel disturbed when someone pulls you away from them even for a split second. When you feel this with God, you are meditating all the time. What a state to be in, […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 4 2023

When in love… meditation needs no efforts When you are in love with someone, you feel constantly connected and devoted to them. You feel disturbed when someone pulls you away from them even for a split second. When you feel this with God, you are meditating all the time. What a state to be in, […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 3 2023

The 9 Day Yajna Commences Ashtakshari Maha:mantra JapaEveryday devotees gather at 6:00am at Ya:gasa:la to sit together and meditate on the auspicious divine qualities of Lord Sriman Narayana, the relation with Him, and seek His grace for enabling them to serve Him. Dhwaja:ro:hanam, hoisting of Garuda pata, flagGaruda stands atop overseeing the celebrations and ensuring […]
Samatha Kumbh Feb 2 2023

Temple, a platform to learn… Our sages established temple institution as a platform to learn the divine aspects of life. These aspects include knowledge of God who is the source of all existence, knowledge of self, knowledge of nature, and ways to liberate oneself from karma and attain eternal blissful state. Bramho:tsavam, is an annual […]