Bhagavad Ramanuja’s Thirumukham enters the Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi site at JIVA asram! It’s an amazing journey for all the people involved directly and indirectly to watch the making of this wonderful Murthi. Time is approaching, and we invite everyone to...
On 18-09-2017, Prajna students presented the basics of Vedic scriptures to the Parliament of Victoria. Several dignitaries including Speakers of both the houses of Parliament, Finance and Multicultural Minister, Leader of the Opposition etc. were thrilled to...
The ‘Statue of Equality’ painting material is specialised and is expected to reach site soon! A few more exciting updates include:• Ramanuja Acharya ‘thiru mukham’ (the divine radiating face) is ready to grace us soon• Dynamic Fountain civil construction aimed to be...
Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami visited the Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi site with so much enthusiasm, keen eye into details, and devotion towards this great deed. After spending an hour observing the work in progress, Sri Swamiji gave valuable suggestions and feedback to enrich...
The Dynamic Fountain which will serve as a way to offer water to those feet of Bhagavad Ramanuja, as a gesture of respects and thankfulness is being shaped up. The pipes required for the setup of this fountain have reached the site. August 10th marks the target...