Page 6 - Ramanuja and Equality Book.pmd
P. 6


                       Ramanuja, as present in Sriperumbudur

       On rare occasions, heavenly stars miraculously descend on earth.
       Sri Ramanuja was one such miracle – a human manifestation who
       lit the path of equality and bhakti across the universe. Born in
       Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, in 1017 A.D, He dedicated His entire
       life for social  reform, leaving  no  stone  unturned  in  dispelling
       darkness from the hearts of all. He was a saint who propagated
       universal  brotherhood.  He embraced so-called  ‘untouchables’,
       treating  them  on  par  with  the  elite.  Realizing  His  compassion
       towards the oppressed, His delighted guru honoured him with the
       title ‘Em-perum-anar’, meaning ‘you are superior to all of us’. Sri
       Ramanuja named subjugated societal classes as Thirukkulathar,
       ‘Born Divine’.

       We can rightly acclaim Ramanujacharya as a legendary personality
       who revolted against generations-old inhuman practices inflicted
       on  the less privileged.  He imparted the wisdom  of  secretly
       guarded mantras to the oppressed and allowed them to enter
       temples  at  a  time  when  this  was  strictly  forbidden!  He  was  a
       visionary and free thinker who revived society on the grounds
       of universal liberation via Bhakti, compassion, humility, equality,
       and mutual respect – at a time where these qualities were not
       the norm.

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