Page 11 - Ramanuja and Equality Book.pmd
P. 11

eye to be “superior” to the left eye, or the hand to be “superior”
       to the leg. All parts of the body have their own special function
       and are essential and equal. Together, they make the body work.
       The  same  is  the  case  for  the  Universal  creation.    The  diverse
       beings, nature and driving force behind them all are essential.
       They need to work together in harmony for the betterment of
       society as a whole.

       Here are some incidents from Ramanuja’s life, which show us His
       teachings and practicing of equality.

       Equality of caste, creed, age, religion, gender

         Any knowledgeable person is eligible to guide

       Community of birth is not a factor to guide: Ramanuja lived in
       Kanchipuram, the abode of Lord Varadaraja, when he was a youth.
       During that time, there lived a great devotee of Lord Varadaraja by
       the name Kanchipurna. He used to perform the service of fanning
       the Lord. Kanchipurna belonged to the merchant community by
       birth, and he was immersed in devotion to the Lord. It is said that
       his devotion was so great that the Lord used to talk to him while
       he was performing the fanning service, just like two friends talk
       to each other. Kanchipurna was also a student of Yamunacharya,
       the renowned acharya and was a scholar himself.

       Ramanuja, due to differences with his then-teacher Yadavaprakasa,
       had  to  discontinue  his  studies.  He  went  to  Kanchipurna  and
       requested him to be his acharya. At that time, it was exceedingly
       rare for a person  who  was born  as a brahmin  to approach
       someone born in another community to learn spirituality from
       them. However,  Ramanuja  only  saw Kanchipurna’s greatness,
       knowledge, and devotion. Birth was not a consideration at all
       for  Ramanuja.  When  Ramanuja  had  deep  questions  on  the
       Vedanta philosophy, he went to Kanchipurna to get his questions
       answered. It is said that Lord Varadaraja answered these questions
       to Kanchipurna, who then conveyed them to Ramanuja. Both the

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