Ramanuja Srikar studying 8th class from Miyapur, Hyderabad donated Rs.50,000 toSRI RAMANUJA SAHASRABDI on his birthday. He earned this money on his own, participating in a singing competition conducted by Gemini Channel. HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji offered special...
On May 21st2015 on the auspicious occasion of A:rudra Ra:ma:nujacharya Swamiji’s Nakshathra, a grand celebration was organized by Vanaparthy, Telangana. HH Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji and Devana:tha Jeeyar Swamiji blessed the sho:bha ya:thra in the afternoon blessing all...
Little Baby Chiranjeevi M. Shamitha donated Rs.6000/- to Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi project from her savings on 31st Jan 2015 – an auspicious occasion of Sri Yagam at NTR Grounds, HYD. HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji offered mangalasasanams to Baby Shamitha and her...
A small child Chudamani Srihitha, D/O Anitha – Venkata Murali Krishna from Guntur, who is studying UKG donated her Kiddy Bank collection of Rs. 730-50p to STATUE OF EQUALITY. HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji offered blessings for the young donor. Contact...