Acharya devo bhava said the Vedas. Acharya is the One who shows us the goal of life and guides us to achieve it through his teachings and practice. Such acharya appeared 1000 years ago on this earth. He implemented various unimaginable reforms promoting EQUALITY. Showed us how a society should be with his great administration skills. He is Bhagavad RAMANUJACHARYA.
To celebrate the life of such a great hero, HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji will consecrate a 216 ft second tallest sitting statue in the world in JIVA campus, Samshabad.
The project is getting ready to be dedicated to EQUALITY in the first quarter of 2018. The Statue of Equality vigraham is almost finished. Final polishing touches are in progress. The production of sheet metal for the lower half of the tridandam is expected to be completed by this weekend. The sixth consignment has arrived Chennai port on 13th May and is expected to arrive the Statue of Equality site this weekend.
The action mechanism of dynamic fountain is under fabrication. Making of the fountain is in completion stage except forthe vigrahams of eight Swamijis. Making of 3D pictures is in progress enable making of clay models for casting.
At the Statue of Equality site, fixing of big lotus petals and 11 small lotus petals of fourth level is complete. For the fifth level, lotus petals have been shifted to the site and 7 big lotus petals and 7 small lotus petals have been fixed.
In the Bhadravedi temple Complex, stone work has been completed in 23 sq mtrs. Until now 32 truckloads of material has been received at site.
The first phase of the project includes Ramanujacharya vigraham on an elevated stage – Bhadravedi, 120 kgs gold Ramanjacharya vigraham inside Bhadravedi and musical fountain. Everything should be completed within next 8 months. Its time to take action. To march forward.. To invite and encourage your family and friends to participate in the project. To donate click here