We convey our hearty Mangalasasanams to you for becoming one of the promoters of this distinctive project of Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi. Unique projects don’t come all the time; it’s just the grace of our Acharya and the Lord to conceive such a great project. Taking part in such a project is not the result of a small punyam. Not everyone gets such an opportunity to be part of it. We feel proud of generous promoters like you. Such a great joy should be shared with everyone undoubtedly and we are sure that you will encourage all your friends and family to take part in this initiative. We feel it’s our duty to keep you updated.
Foundation Stone
Laid As you know, the foundation stone was laid on 2nd May 2014, on auspicious Akshayathrithiya day. Since then, different tasks have been taken to hand.
We started the planning of structural details. Making of a 216ft high metallic statue weighing 300 to 400 metric tons is in discussion with companies which build such big metallic statues. Just to refresh your memory – proposed height of pedestal is 96 ft, the statue of Acharya in sitting position is 108 ft high and Tridandam is 27 ft high totaling to 216 ft. The pedestal will have three levels with exhibits from Sri Ramanujacharya Swami’s life history showing inspiring incidents and philosophy.We have engaged Vasthu specialists along with architects, experienced engineers and started leveling the ground. Each and every aspect is meticulously planned to meet all requirements – various parameters are taken into consideration to ensure devotees have good time while visiting Sri Ramanujacharya Swamiji’s statue. Just to list a few, thorough planning is being done on traffic control, parking, toilets, shoe racks, luggage rooms while keeping in mind the seasonal changes –
Contact Information :
JIVA Campus, Sri Ramanagaram, Muchintal Road,
Palmakol P.O.Samshabad, HYDERABAD 509325
Contact: 9553549971, 72
Email: [email protected]