Foundation stone for Statue of Equality was laid on 2nd May 2014 by HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji on the auspicious day of Akshaya thrithiya.
Research on Divya Desams: In preparation for Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi, chief architect Sriman Prasadji and his team worked for six months, researching and collecting data of various divya desams. 98 divya desams were visited and 12,000 photographs were taken to design the 108 divya desam models. Sketches of the mula murthis and uthsava murthis were prepared after visiting each divya desam. They researched and collected data on each divya desam. Prepared notes on the vaibhavam of the vimanas after consulting the local authorities and scriptures. This effort was completed in Dec 2014.
3D Model Creation: To develop the 3D model, almost 15 Ramanuja prototypes were created to accurately match the imagery required. In 2014, when HH was in Chathurmasa Deeksha in Samshabad, the making of a clay model started under direct supervision of HH and was finalized in Feb 12th/13th 2015. Later, 3D scan of the model was taken and digital corrections were made. HH Swamiji reviewed the edited image and gave further guidance . Modifications were done and the picture was sent to 3 different vendors in India and China for quotation.
Aug 14, 2015
Contract Signed:On Aug 14, 2015 a contract was signed with a Chinese company for the making of the statue.
October, 2015
Review of Prototype: HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji,Dr. Rameswar Rao garu and the rest of the Sahasrabdi team went to China at the end of October, 2015 to
review the deity model scaling 1/10th of the original , 16.3 feet. The team gave feedback to the manufacturers. Later, team of architects did digital corrections and sent the image to China for creating a 1:1 statue. In this process, HH Swamiji even showed how the Yathi’s (monk’s) sacred thread should be showing His own for correct representation on the statue. A total of 14 corrections were noted, addressed, and rectified.
March 2016
Working Drawings: Phase 1 and Phase 2 drawings completed in March 2016.
May 9th 2016
Permissions Clearance: A major milestone has been achieved with the
approval from GHMC on May 9th 2016. All required permissions like FCRA, 80G, AAI, environment and fire hazard protection, JNTU and all legal, state and central government required for this massive and gargantuan project have been received.
May 10th 2016
Ground Construction Started: On the occasion of Bhagawad Ramanuja Jayanthi, PCC work was started on May 10th, 2016. RMC plant was inaugurated one month prior to the commencement of PCC work
May 17th, 2016
Musical Fountain: Initially Sri Ramanuja’s padukas were placed in front of the statue. But HH after a lot of thought replaced it with a unique fountain,
one of its kind as a tribute to the great personality. The architect created a model for the fountain as per our sampradayam. 3D data was created and sent to China. A script was created and explained to Chinese engineers by HH Swamiji. They came to India twice for discussions on this and the whole concept was finalized on May 17th, 2016.
May 22nd, 2016
HH Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji consecrated the first pillar of Bhadra Vedi.
Statue Casting Started in China: At present 25% of the statue has been cast. Casting progress together with copper polishing and cleaning has been done.
1:1 Model Construction of Lotus Completed: 1:1 model construction of the Lotus is complete. The casting of elephants and the base started.
36 Elephants Casting Completed: 50% of lotus completed. Casting of circular ring behind the 36 elephants is complete. Casting of 36 elephants is also completed.
July 5th 2016
50 % 1:1 model construction of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya Completed
Casting of the deity has begun. Manufacturing of the other part of deity is 50% complete. 1:1 model manufacturing of the lotus is 75% complete. 36 elephants and the ring behind them is completed and will be shipped to India next month.
Jan 1st 2017
Statue of Equality First Shipment Arrived: On 1st Jan 2017 the first part of
the monument arrived at the JIVA campus at 8 pm, with Ramanujacharya himself to arrive soon to the area of construction. The JIVA campus greeted five containers containing 32 elephants and 18 petals of the lotus on which Ramanuja will be seated. 2 consignments (consisting of 15 trailers) have been unloaded at our asramam site. Today, the team have paid the customs duty for the 3rd consignment and getting it loaded on the trailers and are expecting these trailers to reach tomorrow night or day after tomorrow morning. They are expecting the fourth and fifth shipments to reach Chennai port on 15/16 Jan 2017. The stalwart project team have taken up the erection job of the steel structure by HH Sri Devanadha Jeeyar Swami ji. They have finalised the purchase order on Mateswari Temple Construction Pvt Ltd for Bhadravedi exterior sculpture works. The Mateswari Pvt Ltd company is one among the best factories which were visited around Gujarat and Rajasthan. The company has two big factories equipped with CNC machines and 1000 people are working at 45 installations. The stone required i.e., Bansi Paharpur Pink Sandstone of 50,000 sq ft is readily available in this factory. They have agreed to start manufacturing immediately and send the first load of temple material within a month.
Jan 9th 2017
Site Report: Work on the inner structure of the Bhadravedi started. In the
there will be 39 columns out of which first and second column were erected today. Encouragement from benevolent sponsors like you are helping us in meeting the project milestones. We invite your friends and family too to be part of this project.
Shilpi Stone Work : The Shilpi Stone work in and around Bhadravedi site has begun. Bansipahadpur Pink Stone is being used to construct the masonry around the Bhadravedi site. The stone is being brought all the way from Bansipahadpur, Rajasthan. The first truck load of the pink stone has already been delivered today. The work has begun and is currently underway. 250 stone sculptures will be working on carving the pink stone. Within a week, the Shilpi stone masons will begin the cladding and assembly work and give us our first sample. Around 600 shilpis from around Rajasthan will be working on this project, using around 4-5 truck loads of stone material. Tonnes of stone has been sanctioned and procured for the purpose of the Sahasrabdi SRS Project.
Mar 18th 2017
Assembling of Elephants: Assembly of ‘Statue of Equality’ statue began in
JIVA, Samshabad. 10 engineers from Aerosun Engineering, China came to the site on March 6th and started working on the assembling of gajarajas – elephants. All the tools required for assembly such as plasma cutting machines, welding machines, cutting sets etc have been provided to the technicians. Nearby guesthouse has been arranged for their stay. So far ears, tusks, trunks of 10 elephants have been readied for welding. Also, assembling of Padmapeetam has started. With regards to statue structural erection work,7.5 meter structure for gajarajas and 3 tier lotus structure will be completed in 3 days. In the next 10 days, elephants will be moved to the erected structure. Planning for building the 3 tier Lotus structure will also be completed.
Installation of Elephants: The Chinese technicians are working on assembling the gajarajas – elephants. According to the Structural Engineer, erection of the elephants on the circular structure will start in 2 days.