Page 17 - Ramanuja and Equality Book.pmd
P. 17

The great Yamunacharya provided this  mantra to Maraneri
       Nambi who was from a class of society that was not normally
       given the secret mantras. Ramanuja followed in his footsteps and
       expanded the availability of this secret to EVERYONE with a desire
       to know. Such was the greatness of Ramanuja who was prepared
       to go to hell if 1000s of people benefitted from the power of
       mantra irrespective of their birth and social status. Indeed, he is
       The Emperumanar for all of us!!

          Equality to serve the Lord according to one’s

                           capacity and ability
       During  Ramanuja’s  time,  most of the temple services  were
       performed by a small set of people, and the larger society was not
       given the opportunity to perform service and were not involved
       deeply in temple services. Sri Rangam, the most prominent divine
       temple of God was no exception. Ramanuja, with great difficulty,
       reformed the administration of the temple, and involved every
       section of the society in doing services in the temple. He created
       twenty distinct departments of service (priestly worship, cooking
       of prasadam, making of ornaments for the Lord, making of dresses
       for the Lord, making and supplying vessels and other items used
       for cooking, supply of groceries, grains, flowers etc.). He assigned
       each department to a distinct set of people, with representation
       from all sections of society. The potters were given the RIGHT to
       supply pots to the temple, a set of farmers were provided the
       RIGHT to supply groceries etc. 50% of the services were reserved
       for people from under-represented sections of society. He made
       sure the people who did the service were compensated in some
       form, so that they need not worry about livelihood, and focus
       on doing service to the temple and the Lord. For the first time,
       all sections of society had the RIGHT to serve the Lord in various
       capacities. We can see this system continuing even today.

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