We hear the phrases, ‘think positive’, ‘stay positive’, ‘start fresh’, ‘let go of negative emotions’, ‘stop overthinking’, ‘develop positive attitude’, ‘adapt a positive approach to life’ etc. Thousands of videos and hundreds of methods are being taught offline and online offering support and training in this aspect. But what does it truly mean to stay positive?

What does it mean to stay positive?

The word “positive” refers to a constructive, optimistic, or confident approach to thinking. This mindset starts with an internal shift in thought, which eventually influences your actions and feelings.

What is the process?

Vedas offer a process that is time-tested and holistic for overall well-being, addressing both the body and the soul. These teachings have been passed down through a sacred lineage, from the Lord to the Acharyas and, ultimately, to us. One such essential practice for maintaining daily spiritual and mental cleanliness is outlined in the Agama scriptures.

How do I undergo this process?

To begin, we start by cleaning the outer body with a proper bath, using clean water, and dressing in clean clothes. But the deeper cleansing happens within. To purify the soul (the true “you”) and prepare for a fresh, positive start, assume Sukhasana, a seated posture that’s not too comfortable, yet not too stiff.

Now, focus inward. Reflect on the core source of life—the Mula Murti—the compassionate and supreme Lord, Srimannarayaṇa.

  • Place your right palm gently on your left palm and take a Sankalpa (a vow) for a cleaner, more positive self, ready to serve and live with a higher purpose.
  • Pray to the Lord and “wake Him up,” gently pleading for Him to purify you.
  • By the direction of God’s command, envision a divine fire rising from your navel area.
  • This fire ascends to the heart, where, by divine command, a sacred wind spreads the fire throughout the body, burning away negativity and attachments.
  • The divine water from the Lord’s graceful gaze then cleanses the body of all residual attachments.
  • This process repeats twice more: first, to purify your senses from harmful associations with the material world (Vishayas), and second, to purify the mind (Manas) from deep-rooted samskāras (mental impressions).
With the divine purification complete, your soul is cleansed of all physical, mental, and intellectual toxins. The Lord lifts you through the realms of existence, passing through the world of the Sun, into colder worlds.

sathsanga:d bhava nis spruho: gurumukha:th
sri:sam prapadya:thmav:an
pra:rabdham paribhujya karma sakalam
prakshi:na karma:ntharaha,
nya:sa:de:va nirankuse:svara daya:
nirlu:na ma:ya:nvayo:
ha:rda:nugraha labdha madhya dhamani
dwa:ra:d bahir nirgathaha

muktho: rchir dina pu:rva paksha shadudanj
ma:sa:bda va:tha:msumath
glour vidyud varune:ndra dha:thru mahithas
si:ma:ntha sindhva: pluthaha,
sri:vaikuntta mupe:thya nithya majadam thasmin
sa:yujyam samava:pya nandathi samam the:naiva
dhanyah puma:n

pra:thar nithya:nusandhe:yam parama:rttham mumukshubhihi,
slo:kadvaye:na samkshiptham suvyaktham varado:bravi:th.

  • Finally, you reach River Viraja, the sacred stream that separates the world of karma from the Supreme Abode, Paramapadam (Sri Vaikunṭham).
  • There, you are received by the divine beings serving the Lord—beings who are free from the bondage of karma, including Nithyas, Mukthas, and the great Acharyas and Alwars.
  • Garuda, the divine eagle, will carry you on his back, flying you toward Sri Lakshmi Narayana, the Supreme Lord.
  • When you arrive, you will be awed by His divine form and qualities—His Swarupa (essential nature), Rupa (form), and Guna Sampatti (divine attributes).
  • As you pass through His divine form – beginning at His ‘right foot’ through His heart and to His ‘left foot’, you are completely transformed—an enlightened, rejuvenated person, with a new body blessed by Him.

In this new body, turn your lotus-shaped heart upward and seat the Lord within, honoring Him with love and devotion. Offer your service to Him with pure intentions, free from arrogance or selfishness. Seek His blessings and approval to rise and begin your day as an act of service to Him, with strength and purpose. 

What is the critical instrument in this process?

The most critical instrument in this process is the manas, the faculty of jnana, knowledge. It is through the focus of your manas on positive bhavana (mental attitudes and emotions) that this transformation can begin at.

Does it work?

When you connect with the core source of life force and align yourself with its auspicious nature, the results are bound to be beneficial. It’s like touching fire—it’s inevitable that you will be burned, whether intentionally or not. Similarly, it is not the process or even you, but the mere association with the Lord every day that has the divine power to uplift you.

This practice, known as japa or dhyana (meditation), does not require you to keep a track of how many times you chanted the name of the Lord. When your heart is filled with love for the Lord, can you focus on counting? Instead, you will lose track of time, absorbed in the act of serving the mantra murti, the divine form of Lord Narayana.

You will begin to see every being as part of His divine family—your family. Every task will become His task, and thus, your task. Your actions will become more responsible and attentive. Your productivity will improve, and your positivity will bring joy not only to you but to everyone around you.

– From the teachings of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– Ashtakshari Mahamantra Japa, Samatha Kumbh 2025
– 10th Feb 2025 – Statue of Equality

Samatha Kumbh 2025 Statue of Equality Surya Prabha Vahana
HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji Gopalyanam Awards Samatha Kumbh 2025

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