One Goal

2 part-final round
2 audience rounds
3 languages
3 levels of pre-screening
4 winners
4 continents
6 question types
9 lakh worth prizes
10 practice questions daily
10+ improvement areas
15 volunteers
25 encouragement prizes
50 performers
116 finalists
3000+ hours volunteer efforts
10,000+ participants
1,00,000+ followers
immeasurable value
The goal is to enable and enlighten all those interested with the true spirit of Ramayanam as graced by sage Valmiki. He bestowed us with the happenings during the time of Sri Rama without any dilution or loss. It is our minimum responsibility to ensure that incidents of that divine time are learnt, understood, practiced, shared, rejoiced and passed on as it is given by sage Valmiki.
Today, every young adult spends about 1 to 2 hours time watching movies, NetFlix and other popular platforms for entertainment. There are many efforts from Directors and Producers to provide their viewers with spiritual content. It’s great. However, we cannot afford any dilution and loss to the authentic content.
Global contest on SriRamayanam gave wonderful opportunities for all those ‘soldiers’ who desired to embark on this divine journey and take the first step of learning it.
Through this journey, let the grace of Sri Rama make us all humane….

Did they get it right?
Acharya asks…
Finalists answer…
Question 1: Bharatha thought of killing Kaikeyi but he did not. Why?
Question 2: Did Hanuman tear his chest to show that Sitha and Rama are there?
Question 3: Did Rama go to seek guidance from Ravana after Ravana fell down in the war-field?
Question 4: Mother Sitha was thinking of committing suicide in Lanka. Did Hanuman stop her by immediately jumping in front of her.
Question 5: Did Rama build a mud based linga on the banks of the ocean?
Answer 1: Bharatha did not kill Kaikeyi because Rama would not like it. Bharatha loves Rama so much that he will not do anything that Rama would not approve of.
Answer 2: No, Hanuman did not tear his chest to show He holds them in the heart. His conduct and behavior demonstrate that He worships and abides by them in His heart.
Answer 3: No, Rama did not seek guidance from Ravana!
Answer 4: No, Hanuman did not jump in front of her to stop her from committing suicide. He began to sing the story of Rama and she gradually receded from it.
Answer 5: No, Rama did not build any mud based linga on the banks of the ocean.

Bharadwaj Mandapam
Sage Bharadwaja hosted Lakshmana Swami and everyone else from Ayodhya who were on their way to plead Rama to come back to Ayodhya! The prasadams offered to them at the Bharadwaja asramam were described in Valmiki Ramayanam to be very pious, sumptuous and rich in nourishment, and delicious.

Cultural programs