Fridays and femininity
worshiping mother Lakshmi
Thousands of women performed guided worship of mother MahaLakshmi on this friday, 23rd Feb during Samatha Kumbh 2024 at the Statue of Equality…

pu:rnam idam pu:rnamadaha
pu:rna:th pu:rnamudachyathe:
pu:rnasya pu:rnama:da:ya
pu:rname:va vasishyathe:
God along with mother Mahalakshmi and His parivar exist in five abodes:
- Vaikuntam (eternal abode),
- Ksheera Sagara (His ‘office’ above the 7 worlds),
- Vibhava (incarnations like Rama, Krishna)
- Vigraha (deity form) and
- Antharyami (indweller of every soul)
Today, we have access to Vigraha (deity form). However as a deity, God won’t move, talk because He limits His ways to the material He chooses as His abode. He is however as supreme in qualities as in any other form!
If He is Supreme, why should He be bound by the material?
It is said…
visha vrukshamapi samvartthya swayam ccheytthum asaampratham
if you plant a tree not knowing it’s poisonous, even then you are not allowed to unroot it.
Hence, He won’t violate the rules that were setup by Him for the use of everyone.

Four Colleges and Universities
Hundreds of Young volunteers at Samatha Kumbh-2024
Avinash College of Commerce, Avanti Degree and PG College, Sphoorthi Degree and Engineering Colleges,City College
Statue of Equality is emerging to be the unique and matchless platform for students to volunteer and learn about how our sampradaya teaches one to be compassionate, accommodating and to treat everyone equally. Not just other humans, but every being in the world… The spirit of Samatha!

A special housewarming…
Mahapurna and MarneriNambi
Background: Swami Mahapurna and MarneriNambi were disciples of Yamanucharya Swami. They were good friends. Mahapurna was a brahmin by birth and MarneriNambi was born in a ‘lower-caste’ in the social ladder but was a great jnani.
Housewarming: On the eve of Swami Mahapurna’s housewarming, MarnerNambi went to the new house to check if everything was set for the next day. Knowing that, Swami Mahapurna told everyone that there is nothing else to do the next morning because his dear friend has already stepped into the new house making it very pious for him to start living there. All the priests who were supposed to be performing the housewarming prayers were shocked. That’s how much he respected MarneriNambi.
Post housewarming: He also conducted final rites later when MarneriNambi left his mortal body. When he was questioned by other people, he said “I am not greater than Rama and MarneriNambi is not any lesser than Jatayu!”
Ramanujacharya took inspiration from the two gurus…
He took inspiration from Lord in the 108 divyadesas…
He stood for the spirit of Samatha, Equality…

As part of Garuda Vahana Seva, HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji beats to Lord’s divine pace.

Cultural programs
- Sri Sambhava Parampara dance led by Smt. Madhavi Ramanujam.
- Bhakthyanjali led by Lalitha Sangitha Scholar, Smt. Sasikala Swamy.