Choose this Fragrance…

Each flower represents a sankalpa, a wish. If the wish is selfish (swaardha), it releases a bad fragrance. If the wish is beyond self and encompasses the needs of others (pararadha), it spreads a good fragrance. What kind of fragrance do your flowers spread?
If our wishes are all selfish, the flowers we offer to God could suffocate Him. Let’s please Him asking for wishes that are beyond self and seeking greater good.
The flowers are offered to God seeking His support to make the wishes come true.
phalam bhavathu me: pushpaihi

Why can’t offering flowers to God be about just pleasing God with the fragrance and beauty of the flowers? We offer a bouquet to someone wishing them well or congratulating them for their achievements etc. Why can’t it be greeting God with a few beautiful fragrant flowers as part of worship? It can!
However, there is no living being who does not have any desires or wishes. It’s important to know that it is God’s support that makes the efforts for them fruitful. When you seek that support, do not suffocate Him but please Him with the right type of desires/wishes. That’s the guidance given by Elders in Sri Pushpa Yaga.
chakra abja mandalam
Agama scriptures speak about arranging flowers in the pattern of a chakra and offer them to God chanting the prayers….

Chance to correct errors…
Dwadasa aradhana is a set of 12 cycles of worship performed to deity, one for each month, seeking forgiveness for any errors done in worshiping Him through that month.
It’s a beautiful sequence that priests give a chance for us to observe and soak in the pleasing and devoted service of Lord…

Mahapurnahuthi – The grand finale
The concluding ahuthi, offering to God through agni…

– Excerpts from HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji discourses
– 1st Mar 2024, Samatha Kumbh 2024
– Statue of Equality, Hyderabad, TN, India
Blessed in Service…
A volunteer serving in the section of thadiyaaraadhana (offering of food to devotees) said….
“ It’s a blessing to be able to spend time in such a glorious event. “
We asked him how he gets all the positive energy and patience to work all through the day with a smile. He said…
“If Swamiji looks at me when he gives theertham in the morning, that’s it. It’s like the entire nervous system is energized in a flash! If I don’t get a chance to take theertham on a day, I end up relying on a medicine at the end of the day. Such is the power of Swamiji. It is His vision and His dedication that keeps us going…”