Samatha Kumbh day 1 2025
Samatha Kumbh 2025 Celebrations Begin with a Grand Procession and Inspiring Messages of EqualityThe third anniversary celebrations of the Statue...
A Unique Promise – What and Why
In the Bhagavad Gita (9.31), Lord Krishna instructs Arjuna to declare, kaunthe:ya! prathija:ni:hi na me: bhakthah pranasyathi || “O Kaunteya,...
The Ultimate Guide to a Positive Day
We hear the phrases, ‘think positive’, ‘stay positive’, ‘start fresh’, ‘let go of negative emotions’, ‘stop overthinking’, ‘develop positive attitude’,...
Statue of Equality Celebrates Third Anniversary with Grand Samatha Kumbh Festivities
The Statue of Equality and the 108 Divyadesams celebrated their third anniversary with grandeur. The 11-day Samatha Kumbh festivities commenced...
A Grand Celebration of Equality and Spirituality
The 9 Day Yajna Commences Ashtakshari Maha:mantra JapaEveryday devotees gather at 6:00am at Ya:gasa:la to sit together and meditate on...