This Week – Don’t Miss Making of Tridandam and its Significance – Just for You !

We are proud and happy to announce the construction status of Tridandam, the flag pole of Bhagavad Ramanuja. It is aimed to complete by 30th June. Let’s a take a moment to understand the significance of the Tridandam? As given in one of the discourses of HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami, Tridandam signifies what its owner practices as the core essence […]

Wait No Longer to Take Part in this Historical Monument – Statue Of Equality

The construction of Bhadra Vedi, the grand base that will serve as the pleasant and radiating seat of Bhagavad Ramanuja, is complete. The three floors that make up this magnificent 54 feet Bhadra Vedi are holding the Padma Peetam which is beautifully being laid out with 36 Royal Elephants. These elephants are carrying a Lotus with petals on […]

Marvellous Carvings to Serve as the Majestic Stage of Bhagavad Ramanuja

Marvellous carvings are getting ready to serve the majestic stage of where Bhagavad Ramanuja will be seated to inspire and spread the message of Equality and Love amongst all beings. At Mount Abu  Rajasthan – our senior team headed by primary architect, Sriman Prasad Sthapathy inspected and observed the progress on sculpture work of Bhadra Vedi. For More Photos […]

Statue of Equality Project – Fixing of Lotus Petals Fourth Level Completed

Acharya devo bhava said the Vedas. Acharya is the One who shows us the goal of life and guides us to achieve it through his teachings and practice. Such acharya appeared 1000 years ago on this earth. He implemented various unimaginable reforms promoting EQUALITY. Showed us how a society should be with his great administration skills. […]

Statue Of Equality – Bhagavad Ramanuja’s Tridandam to Appear Soon!!!

There are many statues in the world. A few known, many unknown! A 216 feet high statue.. World’s second highest sitting statue… A statue celebrating the life of a hero.. A Hero who was born 1000 years ago … A broad minded person who regarded a non-bramhin as his guru … A revolutionist who after taking bath in the […]

HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji with Prime Minister Narendra Modiji on Ramanuja Sahasrabdi Day

HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji visited New Delhi to attend the Commemorative Stamp Release of Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi.  During the brief meet, HH presented a book citing 30 reasons as to why Bharath has to celebrate Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi, written by a German author Quadrina. W. Scriptura. The book title has a beautiful picture depicting Sri Ramanujacharya’s personality where […]

PM Modi Released Commemorative Stamp on 1000th Birth Anniversary of Sri Ramanujacharya

Ramanuja‘s 1000 years  birthday is being celebrated grandly across the world.  On this occasion, Indian Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi released a Rs. 25 commemorative stamp in New Delhi today afternoon. On invitation from the Prime Minister Office, HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji went to New Delhi to attend the event. Speaking on this occasion, Prime Minister  Narendra Modi spoke excellently quoting the works […]

Samatha Yathra @ Sitanagaram, Vijayawada

On the eve of Bhagavad Ramanuja Millennium Celebrations, HH Swamiji conducted a WALK FOR EQUALITY around Vijaya Keeladri in Sitanagaram on the auspicious evening of 29.4.2017. HH Sri Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji, HH Ashtakshari Jeeyar Swamiji, HH Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Devanatha Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji participated in the walk around the hill. Vemuru M.P Smn. Nakka Anand Babu, B.C Welfare Minister and S.I.T.A […]

PM Modi Ji Addressed Ramanujacharya and Announced Stamps of Ramanujacharya

On Sunday 30-04-2017 our Hon’ble Prime Minister Modiji addressed the people of our Nation in his monthly radio programme. In this months edition, Modiji spoke about the importance and need to remember and recollect our culture, traditions and history of our great nation. This would keep us energised and inspire each of us. He spoke about 2017 […]


Jai Srimannarayana


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