Samatha Kumbh day 6 2024

Yellow signifies a sacred Vow Pasupu, turmeric is a form of mother Lakshmi. Adorning pasupu on His divine wet body, the Lord makes a promise to protect us. What else do we need to trust in Him? Thirumanjana seva / abhisheka seva is prescribed in Pancharatra Agama scriptures everytime Lord steps out for a tour outside the […]

Samatha Kumbh day 5 2024

One Goal 2 part-final round2 audience rounds3 languages3 levels of pre-screening4 winners4 continents6 question types9 lakh worth prizes10 practice questions daily10+ improvement areas15 volunteers25 encouragement prizes50 performers116 finalists3000+ hours volunteer efforts10,000+ participants1,00,000+ followersimmeasurable value The goal is to enable and enlighten all those interested with the true spirit of Ramayanam as graced by sage Valmiki. He bestowed us […]

Samatha Kumbh day 4 2024

Fridays and femininity worshiping mother Lakshmi Thousands of women performed guided worship of mother MahaLakshmi on this friday, 23rd Feb during Samatha Kumbh 2024 at the Statue of Equality… pu:rnam idam pu:rnamadahapu:rna:th pu:rnamudachyathe:pu:rnasya pu:rnama:da:yapu:rname:va vasishyathe: God along with mother Mahalakshmi and His parivar exist in five abodes: Vaikuntam (eternal abode), Ksheera Sagara (His ‘office’ above […]

Samatha Kumbh day 3 2024

Thirumanjana Seva / Abhisheka Seva for Lord in 18 divine forms sacred bath to the Lord gracing us in 18 divine forms Agama scriptures state that the Lord’s deity must be given a sacred bath using ingredients like milk, curd, ghee from butter, honey and fresh fruits every time He steps out for a divine […]

Samatha Kumbh day 2 2024

In right silence lies, the real strength… HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamijimeditating on Ashtakshari Mahamantra Why is the celebration called Samatha Kumbh? Kum means bhumi, the Earth Bh means glorifies Samatha means Equality Kumbh is that which glorifies the Earth…Sri Ramanujacharya here as Statue of Equality is glorifying the Earth with His divine presence, enlightening us that all are […]

Samatha Kumbh day 1 2024

The path from …illusion to reality Did you ever hear, “world is illusionary, bramha is the only reality”?If Bramha is the only reality, there is no purpose to our existence. Is that true? Sri Ramanujacharya clarified and enlightened everyone that it is not the case. Our existence is also as real as the existence of the Supreme […]

A Grand Celebration of Equality and Spirituality

The 9 Day Yajna Commences Ashtakshari Maha:mantra JapaEveryday devotees gather at 6:00am at Ya:gasa:la to sit together and meditate on the auspicious divine qualities of Lord Sriman Narayana, the relation with Him, and seek His grace for enabling them to serve Him. Dhwaja:ro:hanam, hoisting of Garuda pata, flagGaruda stands atop overseeing the celebrations and ensuring […]

Samatha Kumbh Feb 12 2023

The Four Sacred Remains Sacred remains are remains of offerings used in a:ra:dhana and se:va, worship and service of God in a temple. These are of four types…   sa:m drustikas, that which are seen or felt by God like lighted lamp or incense stick sa:m sparsikas, that which touch the vigraha, deity form of God, […]

Samatha Kumbh Feb 11 2023

Meditation… Close eyes? Sit in silence? Travel to the Himalayas? May God bless us with the power to see everything as His creation. When one attains this state, one need not close eyes to meditate on God. One need not expect silence to experience God. One need not travel anywhere to feel God’s presence. One […]

Samatha Kumbh Feb 10 2023

Sa:dhana in simple terms sa:dhana is the practice of connecting everything you do with the eternally supreme and compassionate thaththva, God… What if one’s mind feels jealous of someone, or thinks of lying to someone or feels sleepy during sa:dhana? If you sincerely desire to rise above those and experience God, try to connect God […]


Jai Srimannarayana


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