Statue of Equality Celebrates Third Anniversary with Grand Samatha Kumbh Festivities

The Statue of Equality and the 108 Divyadesams celebrated their third anniversary with grandeur. The 11-day Samatha Kumbh festivities commenced on February 9, 2025, with a ceremonial abhishekam to the Golden Ramanuja. The celebrations honored Sri Ramanujacharya Swamy’s legacy, promoting unity, equality, and social justice through processions, educational sessions, and cultural events.

Samatha Kumbh day 11 2024

Choose this Fragrance… Each flower represents a sankalpa, a wish. If the wish is selfish (swaardha), it releases a bad fragrance. If the wish is beyond self and encompasses the needs of others (pararadha), it spreads a good fragrance. What kind of fragrance do your flowers spread? If our wishes are all selfish, the flowers […]

Samatha Kumbh day 10 2024

What makes this chariot special and divine? Celebrating Lord’s ride in a rattham, a chariot is called Ratthothsavam. For the significance of the utsava and the take away from it, read here…. The Wheels of Life ChariotJagannath, The Charioteer Thousands witnessed the exquisite and grand view of the Lord riding the chariot… Four Sacred Water Sources […]

Samatha Kumbh day 9 2024

Samatha Deeksha – 27 days anushtan! As part of Samatha Kumbh 24, devotees took up a deeksha under the able guidance and direction of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. It started off on the 1st of Feb and continued till 27th Feb 2024. the mantraSrimathe:Ra:ma:nuja:ya Namahafor every chant of the mantra, a devotee offered a grain of rice […]

Samatha Kumbh day 8 2024

Don’t believe in Deity? It’s very difficult to believe in a deity form of God. It feels like we are making our own representation of God and limiting God to that form. It feels like the deity form is perhaps an image of the actual God, but it’s not God. Doesn’t it? What did Krushna […]

Samatha Kumbh day 7 2024

Dhyana ….is the devotion driven bhavana-based divine process where the doer attempts to worship Lord using a new clean and pure body obtained by the grace of Lord. The doer initiates this process in bhavana with ‘burning’ the current body filled with various vasanas, imprints of past and karmic records. The doer, i.e. jiva, enters the Lord’s right foot and exits […]


Jai Srimannarayana


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