A Magician and a Muni

A magician noticed a ‘poor’ man and offered to teach him magic so he could make some money.

Man: I don’t need to make money
Magician: Is it? What do you want ?
Man: I want God’s grace
Magician: Humm, but anyone would want some money. You seem so ignorant.
Man: (rubs off from his skin to draw settled mud and places it on a rock nearby, the rock turns gold!)
Magician: He felt ashamed and bowed down to the man.

He was BhakthiSa:ra Muni also called Thirumalisai alwar. He sang beautiful poems in praise of God and the prabandha is named Tiruchanda Virutham containing 120 pasuras…

When scholars could not recollect a mantra…

Thousand years ago, scholars chanted Veda mantras only in private. A man born into a medari, basket weaver community was walking by a group of scholars who were chanting Vedas. They paused after seeing the man. After he crossed them, they tried to pick up chanting from where they paused but struggled to recollect.

The man stepped back, picked up a grass blade and broke it with his fingers. Looking at what he did, the scholars could recollect where they paused.

He was none other than BhakthiSa:ra Muni.


Cradle ceremony

With four Vedas as the four hangers of a cradle, Lord’s seat as our heart, gently pull the rope of devoted attention (sraddha) – HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji

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